In the Netherlands, the modernization of the PGS-12 standard will create a clear and transparent guideline for safe ammonia terminals in the country. In this interactive workshop session, we discuss how existing regulations should be and can be updated with a tangible example of PGS-12 guidelines. What is PGS-12? What updates were necessary to consider new ammonia applications? How can PGS-12 inform terminal design elsewhere? As an outcome from this session, we will use the discussion to structure a potential best practice guideline for port safety.

Expertisecentrum Ammoniak

Als drager van groene waterstof óf als primaire brandstof: ammoniak biedt onze samenleving volop kansen om de energietransitie te versnellen én rendabel te maken. De inpassing van ammoniak in bedrijfsprocessen, infra en omgeving brengt wel nieuwe vragen en uitdagingen met zich mee. Goed om te weten dat het Expertisecentrum Ammoniak van Antea Group plannen en ideeën verder brengt.